

Elected Officers and Board Members

Executive Committee

President: Gail Naron Chalew
Vice Presidents:
Jody Portnoff Braunig
Robin Giarrusso
Susan Constant Greenberg
Sara Lewis
Carol Newman
Nancy Pesses
Financial Secretary: Loel Weil Samuel
Corresponding Secretary: Diana Mann
Recording Secretary: Tana Velen
Treasurer: Kathy Shepard
Asst. Treasurer: Tricia Kirschman

Ex-Officio Past Presidents:
Susan Hess and Gail Pesses
Honorary Vice Presidents:
Celia Katz and Florence Schornstein
Honorary National President: Joan Bronk
Honorary National Vice Presidents:
Barbara K Herman and Flo Schornstein

Elected Board Members:
Jessica Bach
Meredith Cunningham

Sylvia Finger

Leslie Fischman

Lilli Geltman
Robin Goldblum
Barbara Greenberg

Amelia Halstead

Ronda Kottle
Carole Neff
Killian Philipson

Lynne Wasserman

2024-2025 Nominating Committee:
Chair Susan Hess